Microblading is a cosmetic tattoo technique using a handheld tool to create strokes in the skin that mimic brow hairs. This technique can be used to enhance existing eyebrows or re-store lost or sparse brows. If you have very thin brows or little to no brow hair, results can be more 2D and could require more than 2 sessions to achieve your desired look. Microblading typically lasts 1-3 years before requiring a touch up. 

Microblading is meant to be a natural enhancement. It looks best on clients who have full brow hair, and are wanting to perfect their shape by adding a natural fullness. The more fine natural eyebrow hair you have, the more natural it will appear. This is not an ideal service to those with little natural hair, hair that is patchy, or coarse hair. Microblading is also not an ideal service for those with existing cosmetic tattoo work that you’d like covered up, re-worked, or corrected.

Microblading heals best on young, normal/dry skin with small pores. Those with combination/oily, or mature skin are not candidates for microblading, and are better suited for combination brows or ombre shading.

Many clients think that microblading is the only way to achieve “natural” results. However, unless a client is an ideal candidate, microblading can look more unnatural. If you do not fit the above description of an ideal Microblading client, book for ombre shading or combination brows!


A combination brow combines microblading hair strokes with machine shading. Results typically last several years depending on your skin type and lifestyle. 

If you have naturally sparse brow hair or uneven brow growth, a combination brow is perfect for you! The soft shading blends out uneven areas of the brows and results in a more 3D look. It is also ideal if you’re after a more filled in or defined brow. This style can be soft or more bold depending on what you’re looking for! 

This is a perfect look for most skin types and heals very soft and beautiful. For those with very oily skin, large pores, or mature skin ombre shading will likely be the best technique for you!

If you are unsure of what service to book, a combination brow is a safe choice!


Unlike Microblading or a Combination brow, Ombre shading (also known as a powder brow), has no hair stokes and is made up entirely of machine shading. It is ideal for ALL skin types. 

Using a tattoo machine, small pixels of pigment are implanted below the skin. These pixels are layered on top of each other until the desired amount of saturation is achieved. We can create a very soft amount of shading for a super natural look, or layer the shading for a more bold and defined brow. Ombre shaded brows can be completely customized to fit your preferences and meet your brow goals!

Ombre shading can be just as natural as microblading! If you have oily skin, large pores, uneven brow hairs, or very coarse brow hairs, microblading can look very unnatural and won’t blend in well. It can lead to blotchy, patchy, uneven pigment saturation in the skin and blurred results over time. Ombre shading would give an even layer of color throughout the brow, healing to the perfect powdery finish. Ombre shading is not an old school tattoo brow, it creates beautiful results!

Ombre shading will typically last a little longer than the other techniques and will fade over time. This technique creates the least amount of trauma and fades the best over time. 

Ombre shading may look intense at first, but heal to a natural and powdery finish. If you fill in your brows every day, want the least amount of maintenance, or want even results that last, book for ombré shading! 


Microblading is a specific technique of tattooing. Yes, it is a tattoo! Microblading is done using a hand held tool to create the fine realistic hair strokes in the skin. The “microblade” is a small set of needles that is dipped in pigment and used to create a small incision in the skin, creating that hair stroke. The pigment is deposited into the new hair stroke, and you are left with natural looking tattooed hair strokes.

Microblading, Combination Brows, and Ombre Shading are all different techniques of cosmetic tattooing. All techniques generally last the same amount of time before requiring a Touch Up, although this can always vary based on the individual.


Microblading, Combination Brows and Ombré Shading are tattoo services. Any time pigment is implanted under the skin, and lasts more than 6 weeks, it’s considered to be permanent/tattooing. They do fade softly over time and require refresher or touch up sessions, on average, every 1-3+ years. It is impossible to determine how long pigment will remain in the skin for years to come. Everyone retains pigment differently and fades at different rates. For some clients it may fade away completely, and for some it may not. Skin type, lifestyle, and skincare products can all effect the longevity of cosmetic tattoos. 

*Please note that final results CAN NOT be guaranteed as everyone retains and breaks down pigment differently and a follow-up appointment is recommended at 8-12 weeks where we can asses your pigment retention and make any changes necessary. People with lighter hair, correction work or sparse eyebrows may require more than one follow-up to reach their desired look at an additional cost.


Not everyone is a candidate for cosmetic tattoo procedures. The following list disqualify you from currently receiving a cosmetic tattoo. If you have an specific questions or concerns about your eligibility, please email:

You are not a candidate if you are:

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding

  • Under the age of 18

  • Taking immunosuppressive medication/have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder

  • Currently undergoing chemotherapy treatment, or have within the last 12 months

  • Have any active infection

  • Have an upcoming surgery within 4 weeks

  • Taking blood thinning medication

  • Noncompliant with aftercare instructions

  • Have a sunburn in the area to be tattooed

  • Commonly suntan

  • Diabetic

  • Currently taking painkillers

  • Taking fish oil

  • Have an undiagnosed/untreated heart issues

  • Have taken antibiotics in the past 14 days.

  • Have tendency to keloid

  • Have had peels/laser/microneedling within the past four weeks

  • Have taken Accutane in the past year

  • Have had laser resurfacing in the past year

  • Have had botox injections on the forehead within 2 weeks

  • At high risk of infection/must take antibiotics during dental work

  • Trichotilloma diagnosis

  • Most people who have had their brows tattooed in the past will be turned away. Please contact me with a photo of your brows to see if I can take you as a client


  • Oily Skin: Increased oil production can cause hair strokes to blur and fade very quickly, or not stick at all. If you have combination or oily skin, you are a candidate for a combination brow or ombre shading, but not for microblading.

  • Sun Exposure: Increased sun exposure will cause premature fading. I recommend all clients use an SPF on their brows once healed and to reapply often when outdoors for extended periods of time, especially in the warmer months!

  • Excessive Bleeding: Excessive bleeding during your procedure will greatly affect how your body retains pigment. Pinpoint bleeding throughout the procedure is normal, but excessive bleeding causes pigment to fade quickly and heal ashy. While bleeding is not entirely in our control, it is important you follow pre-care instructions to help minimize bleeding at your appointment. This includes avoiding blood thinning medications and alcohol for 24 hours before you procedure.

  • Improper Preparation and Aftercare: Not following the given pre and post care instructions will greatly diminish your healed results. I can only control what happens in the studio, so please come prepared and follow all instructions after to the best results.


Everyone experiences and tolerates pain differently. We use a topical anesthetic to numb the area before and during the procedure to keep you comfortable, with most clients reporting a 2-3 out of 10.



  • No laser treatments, chemical peels, or microneedling treatments


  • Botox: If you regularly get botox or dysport, it must be done at least 14 days prior to your appointment. Botox takes two weeks to fully settle in the skin. Receiving botox within 14 days of your appointment will results in being sent home and rescheduled.

  • Waxing, Threading, Tinting or Henna: I recommend coming to your appointment with your brows grown out! I will clean up any unneeded hairs at the appointment with a small brow razor. If you need to clean them up beforehand, please do so at least 3 days prior. If you tint your eyebrows, make sure this is done at least 7 days prior.

  • Retin-A, Retinols, Tretinoin, Adapalene, AHAs: Please refrain from using any chemical exfoliants in the brow area for 2 weeks leading up to your appointment.

  • No Antibiotics


  • To minimize bleeding during the procedure, please avoid alcohol and excessive caffeine the day before your appointment.

  • Blood thinning medications such as Aspirin, Excedrin, Ibuprofen and Advil should be avoided unless prescribed by a doctor.

  • Map directions to the studio! I have a strict 15 minute late policy, so please plan ahead to make sure you know how long the commute takes and plan for traffic if applicable. Sola Salons are located in a strip mall setting with ample parking available.


  • Avoid exercise. Exercising increases blood flow and can cause excessive bleeding, leading to poor healed results.

  • Makeup: You are welcome to come to your appointment with or without makeup on. We will be taking before & after photos so come how you’re most comfortable! If you normally fill your brows in with makeup, feel free to come with them filled in so I can see the shape you’re used to seeing.

  • Make sure you have a valid photo ID with you! No photo ID means no appointment.

  • RELAX! Feeling nervous is common and often the first thing someone says when we meet! We are going to work together to create your dream brows. Have inspiration photos ready and get excited!


I take previous work on a case by case basis. If you’ve had previous work by another artist, it’s important to send clear photos of your brows prior to booking to make sure I am comfortable covering the old work. When submitting photos of your previous work to be considered, please attach several good photos. I recommend one full face photo and one up close photo of each brow. Make sure you have no makeup, no filters, and take them in good natural lighting (standing in front of a window is best!).

I typically only go over another artists work if it’s at least 85% faded. When I commit to being your artist, I want to give you my best. Having your brows done previously by someone else limits what I can do to them. If they are too dark, me doing them will only make them darker or they may not hold new pigment at all. If they are too thick, they will need removal, I can not go thinner. If they are unevenly shaped, I typically can’t do much. Making sure your brows are almost completely faded gives me as an artist freedom to do my best work, as I want you walking around with great brows!

My touch up pricing is reserved for current clientele. All new clients to me are considered Initial Sessions.  

I want to give my clients the very best, if I don’t think we can achieve what you’re wanting with your existing work, I will often recommend removal/lightening services before proceeding.

Please email current photos of your brows, along with a photo of your goal brow to before booking for approval. 


Immediately after getting your brows done, you may experience minor redness or swelling are the immediate brow area, which typically subsides within 24 hours. Over the next few hours, the pigment in the skin will oxidize, making brows look darker and warmer (red/orange) than they were initially. This is normal and expected. Pigment typically fades 20%-40% once fully healed. 

Around day 3-4, you may notice light scabbing or flaking on the treated area. This is normal! Let all flaking or peeling skin natural fall off on its own; do NOT pick, pull or scratch at them. This can lead to scarring, loss of pigment or increased risk of infection. 

Brows may appear spotty or patchy until the entire brow has finished healing. Once all flaking is complete (usually around day 10), the brows appear much lighter. The pigment will darken over the next 4-6 weeks showing off the true healed result! 

At 4-6 weeks, your brows will be fully healed. Whatever pigment does not return will be addressed at your Perfecting Session. At this appointment, we will assess your healed brows and make any necessary enhancements. This may include reinforcing hair stokes, adding more hair strokes, evening out color, going darker overall, going a little thicker, etc. Or we simply freshen up the brow overall so you’re good to go until your Annual Refresher, typically 1-3 years later! 


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You will receive an Aftercare goodie bag at your first appointment! This contains a tube of cleanser, aftercare cream, fresh brow spoolie brush and aftercare card. These products should last for your Initial Session and Perfecting Session!


Wash your hands before handling tattooed area (remember, it’s open skin!)

Wash the tattooed area 3-5 times a day for 3-4 days (or until the brows begin flaking). Usually around day 4, you can switch to washing only 2 times a day; morning and night. Using lukewarm water and a gentle cleanser, lightly massage the brows in small circles, pat dry with a soft tissue or cotton round, and apply a rice grain amount of provided aftercare cream to each brow every time they are washed. Begin washing your brows about 1-2 hours after your appointment. 


You will receive a small tube of cleanser in your Aftercare goodie bag. Other recommend cleansers like Cetaphil and Cerave can also be used. Avoid using cleansers that contain oils, acids, scrubs/exfoliants or charcoal. Avoid using bar soap and micellar cleansers as well. 


  • Increased sweating, exercise, strenuous activity

  • Getting your brows/forehead wet outside of instructed washing in pools, sauna, jacuzzi, oceans/lakes, baths, etc.

  • Tanning bed use at any time after having brows tattooed can cause discoloration and premature fading.

  • Natural tanning. Once healed, use an SPF to avoid premature fading and/or discoloration due to UVA/UVB rays.

  • DO NOT PICK at flaking or possible scabbing, this will cause pigment loss. Let all skin naturally exfoliate off.

  • Avoid Retin-A, retinol, Vitamin A and oils on the forehead

  • No makeup products or other skincare products should be applied to the brows until they are completely done flaking

*If having your brows down in the summer months, please be mindful of any vacations or travel plans involving warm climates. It is best to avoid direct sun exposure, sweating, and the brows being wet outside of the instructed washing times. The beach, pools, lakes, hiking, boating, and other outdoor activities are best to be avoided for 10-14 days after your appointment. This applies to the Initial Appointment, the Perfecting Session and any Touch Ups in the future for Aftercare.


Yes! Cosmetic tattoo services are a two-step process and the Perfecting Session is highly recommend to get the best results. We book your Perfecting Session together at the end of your initial appointment. This session is booked 8-12 weeks later and is scheduled for 1.5 hours. The same Pre-Care and Aftercare instructions apply to this session. 


After your initial session and Perfecting Session are completed, most clients are able to go 1-3 years between touch ups! I recommend not exceeding more than ONE touch up per year after the initial 2 sessions are completed. Having the brows done too often can cause scar tissue or over saturation of pigment. Remember, cosmetic tattoos are LOW maintenance, not NO maintenance. Using a little brow powder or pencil is normal!

The longevity of your brows will depend on your skin type, lifestyle and how well you take care of them. Things like excessive sun exposure (or tanning beds), and some skin care products can shorten the life of your brows and cause them to fade to unnatural colors. Be sure to follow long term aftercare instructions to keep your brows looking good for the long haul! 

Before booking a Color Refresher, it’s important to let your brows fade at least 40-50%. Letting the previous pigment fade allows us to keep the pigment fresh in the skin. If the pigment in the skin isn’t faded enough, adding more at an unnecessary touch up can create blotchy and uneven results. Let them fade! If you’re unsure if you are ready for a Color Refresher, email pictures to and we’ll let you know.


No. If your brows do not need a touch-up, I would recommend you wait as long as you can to avoid your skin from being overworked. We want to avoid your skin from being damaged or potential scarring. In conclusion, a touch-up is recommended when necessary, but definitely not yearly.

Special occasions, vacations, tropical climates and having your brows done: What you need to know!

Having your brows done comes with some limitations and restrictions to achieve the best results with your investment. Please be aware the Pre-Care and Aftercare are important factors in your healed results. Please review the Pre-Care and After Care instructions to make sure your appointment date is at an appropriate time or to schedule accordingly.

Special Occasions: It is best to have your brows complete (your Initial Session and Perfecting Session 8-12 weeks following) at least 1 month before a special occasion like a wedding. This allows time for the Initial session and Perfecting session to be fully healed before your big day!

Vacations/Tropical climates: It is best to have your brows done a minimum of 2 weeks before a tropical vacation or trip to a warmer climate. By two weeks after, your brows will be fully healed on a superficial level - you then can wear SPF over them and don’t have and restrictions with swimming or sweating!

Your brows will take anywhere from 10 - 14 days to heal after your Initial appointment and your Perfecting Session.


While cosmetic tattoo services are amazing for defining the brows and enhancing the client’s features, it’s important to have realistic expectations about what it can and can not do. Cosmetic Tattoos like microblading, combination brows, and ombre shading are going in your skin, while traditional makeup is applied on top of your skin. Some of the things you can achieve with traditional makeup will not give the same effect as a cosmetic tattoo. Cosmetic tattooing is not meant to fully substitute cosmetics.

Cosmetic tattoos are meant to be natural and work with your overall look when you have a bare face, or while wearing makeup. To match the opacity and bold look of the rest of your makeup, you might still reach for powder or pencil to enhance the brows a bit on those special occasions. 

With the pigment being implanted under the skin, it’s also important to note that healed results will always differ from freshly done brows as the skin heals over it. Cosmetic tattoo brows are not magic, and it’s important we stay close to what your brows are naturally to maintain the best results. I strive for natural results that will last you years to come!.


Cosmetic tattoo procedures are meant to have a soft and natural appearance, and are based off of your natural Fitzpatrick Skin Type, skin underatones, and natural eyebrow hair color. With very fair skin tones, there can be limitations with how dark your cosmetic tattoo pigment can be, it’s important to not go too dark with the pigment to keep the natural and soft look of the cosmetic tattooed brow. These are factors to consider when thinking of having your eyebrows tattooed, as your cosmetic tattoo may not provide the same exact result as your make up does especially if you’re using a very dark color and a bolder make up product such as a brow pomade and pencils.

Keeping the pigment color in accordance to the Fitzpatrick Skin Type, skin undertones, and natural hair color helps keep the brows from healing too dark and/or ashy in the skin, which would give more of a fake tattooed look to the brows.

Pigment color and cosmetic tattooing techniques are very individual and customized to each client, based on your skin type, Fitzpatrick Skin Type, hair color, and brow preferences. We work together to achieve the best brow for you! As an experienced cosmetic tattoo artist, I have you best brows in mind and strive to achieve natural brow tattoos!


At this time, I do not offer in person consultations for appointments. If you have determined you are a good candidate for a cosmetic tattoo and are ready to make an appointment, you’re ready to book! At your appointment we will have a thorough consultation that includes Brow Mapping. Using measuring techniques and experience, we will shape your brows according to bone structure, face shape, any existing brow hair, and overall appearance. The goal is to create a symmetrical, softly arched brow to accentuate the face and open up the eyes. We will review the design together and make any necessary adjustments. Once the design is approved we can begin!

If you have any specific questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out! I’m always happy to have a virtual consultation and answer any of your questions!

If you are in need of correction work or have had your brows microbladed/tattooed elsewhere (doesn’t matter if it was 6 months ago or 20 years ago), please email me current photos of your brows before booking to


We are not responsible for failure to read policies before booking. 


Appointments must be cancelled at least 48 business hours BEFORE your appointment. Cancelling with less than 48 hours notice will result in loss of your booking fee.

If you cancel the same day or do not show up to your appointment, your booking fee will be forfeited and you will be required to book online and place a new booking fee to secure a new date.

If you need to reschedule your appointment, you may transfer your booking fee over ONE time, as long as you give more than 48 hours notice. After one reschedule, a new booking fee will be required to book a new date.

I understand life happens, these policies are in place to ensure you are serious about your appointment as I set aside this time just for you!

Please note that rescheduling your appointment can result in wait times of up to 12 weeks, depending on how far out my schedule is booked at the time of requesting a new appointment date.


A valid ID is required at the time of your service. If you do not have your physical valid ID, we cannot proceed with your appointment and a new booking fee will be required to book again.

No additional guests or children are permitted to accompany you to your appointment; the studio does not allow guests under the age of 18. Please come solo to your appointment!


There is a 15 minute late policy. Being more than 15 minutes late may result in forfeit of your booking fee and cancellation of your appointment. A new booking fee will be required to book a new appointment.


Card transactions are subject to a 3.5% service fee.

Final payment will be made the day of your appointment. All major Debit and Credit Cards and cash are acceptable forms of payment. We will NOT accept checks as payment. Your final payment amount will be the total cost of your appointment, minus your booking fee amount.

After the service is completed, there are no refunds permitted.


Cosmetic tattooing is considered a service where tipping is accepted, much like your hair stylist, nail tech, massage therapist, tattoo artist, etc. Tipping is always appreciated, yet never expected and entirely at your discretion.


Please note that final results CAN NOT be guaranteed as everyone retains and breakdowns pigment differently. A Perfecting Session is necessary at 8-12 weeks where we can assess your pigment retention and make any changes necessary. People with lighter hair, correction work, sparse eyebrows, or oily skin may require more than one follow-up to reach their desired look at an additional cost.