Pre & Post Brow Care

Before your brows

What should I do before my appointment?

  • Avoid direct sun exposure and tanning beds within 1 month of your appointment. Skin that has experienced excessive sun exposure is in a state of recovery and therefore cannot tattooed. UVA and UVB rays will alter the color of your brows and cause premature fading - tanning will likely turn brown pigment blue. If you spend a lot of time in the sun (and do not wear SPF), please take this into consideration before having your brows tattooed.

  • Wax, thread or tweeze brows at least 72 hours before your appointment, or leave brows as they are! Any stray hairs can be cleaned up with a brow razor at your appointment 

  • Discontinue the use of retinols 2 weeks before your appointment

  • Avoid spray tanning 1 week prior to your appointment

  • Do not come to your appointment with a sunburn on your forehead or flaking skin around your eyebrows

  • Avoid chemical peels, laser treatments, and microdermabrasion, at least 4 weeks prior to your appointment

  • If you get Botox regularly, have it done at least 14 days before your appointment

    In order to avoid excess bleeding and poor color deposit:

  • Do not drink alcohol the night before your appointment (after is fine!)

  • Do not drink coffee and/or energy drinks before your appointment (one cup in the morning is okay)

  • Do not take aspirin or ibuprofen for pain relief (this thins the blood)

  • Do not take fish oil or vitamin E 1 week prior (natural blood thinners)



Wash the tattooed area 3-5 times a day for 3-4 days (or until the brows begin flaking). Usually around day 4, you can switch to washing only 2 times a day; morning and night. Using lukewarm water and a gentle cleanser, lightly massage the brows in small circles, pat dry with a soft tissue or cotton round, and apply a rice grain amount of provided aftercare cream to each brow every time they are washed. Begin washing your brows about 1-2 hours after your appointment. 


Gentle cleansers like Cetaphil and Cerave are best! Avoid using cleansers that contain oils, acids, scrubs/exfoliants or charcoal. Avoid using bar soap and micellar cleansers as well. 


  • Avoid exercise and sweating for at least 10 days. Sweat contains sodium. Sodium/salt will remove pigment. Even a “light workout” can compromise results. In turn, your cosmetic tattoo will end up blurry, discolored, or even non-existent.

  • Avoid excessive rinsing and hot water on the treated area.

  • Avoid getting your brows/forehead wet outside of instructed washing in pools, sauna, jacuzzi, oceans/lakes, baths, etc. 

  • Do not expose your brows to excessive moisture or humidity (ie., swimming, hot tubs, saunas, steam rooms, OR HOT STEAMY SHOWERS/BATHS). Excessive moisture may cause scabbing and increase the chance of loss of pigment. If you wet the area beyond the daily cleansing instructions, you must blot dry immediately to avoid complications and undesirable results (keep face/treated area DRY while bathing/showering. Do NOT place face directly under shower head. )

  • Tanning bed use at any time after having brows tattooed can cause discoloration and premature fading. Natural tanning, once healed, use an SPF to avoid premature fading and/or discoloration due to UVA/UVB rays.

  • Use a fresh pillowcase and avoid sleeping on your side/face for 10-14 days.

  • DO NOT PICK at flaking or possible scabbing, this will cause pigment loss. Let all skin naturally exfoliate off.

  • Avoid Retinols, AHA, BHA, lactic acid, benzoyl peroxide and oils on the forehead 

  • No makeup products or other skincare products should be applied to the brows until they are completely done flaking 


It is normal to feel a sunburned sensation immediately after and for a couple of days, followed by dry, itchy or tender skin.

Brows will appear darker and bolder immediately and a few days after the appointment. During healing, they will lighten 30-40% and shrink in size.

Healing takes approximately 4-6 weeks. As your skin naturally exfoliates and regenerates, you will notice color change, pigment disappearing, and reappearing as they settle.

Color may flake off and appear softer and less visible but will slowly reappear over the next few weeks. If the shedding phase is not over after 10-14 days, please continue your aftercare instructions until the shedding/scabbing is complete. It is NEVER acceptable or necessary to remove the scabs/flakes manually.

After the flaking/scabbing phase is over, you will notice that the color of your pigment seems foggy and almost non-existent, THIS IS NORMAL. By week 6, your skin will regenerate and the pigment will resurface.

This is all absolutely normal and why two appointments are necessary. Be patient and know that this is normal and expected during the healing process.


Glycolic acid, Retinol, face peels and exfoliants must be kept away from the tattooed area. Continued use could lighten the pigment and using these products can make your brows fade faster or cause discoloration of the pigment

Exposure to the sun over time can cause fading and discoloration of the pigment. Once completely healed, you may apply sunscreen on the tattooed area

If you are having laser treatments done near the area, please inform the laser technician of your microblading/tattooed brows. Laser procedures may darken, lighten, or discolor the tattooed area

Hydrate your brows even once healed! This is a tattoo, keeping the skin fresh looking will help the brow color appear brighter. Also, wipe off the brow area after applying makeup; powder and foundation can cover the brows or make them appear dull


Infections are rare but always possible. Signs of infection include: Fever, prolonged or severe pain, redness, and swelling in the immediate area, along with a warm/radiating heat sensation; sores that contain or release thick white or yellow fluid, hard red raised bumps or wounds, nausea, vomiting. If you think you have an infection seek medical attention immediately!